Client Review Form Thank you for working with Beebe Arts LLC! We would love to hear your feedback on your experience of working with us! Name * First Name Last Name Email * What type of service did you receive? * Curricula Development Entrepreneurial Coaching Research Design Consulting Website Development Creative Consulting Publishing Consulting Educational Mentoring Document Review/Editing Career Coaching Briefly describe the project/venture you sought support for * How would you describe the PROMPTNESS of the service you received? * Promptness: The state or quality of being prompt; readiness; quickness of decision or action; especially, quickness of action in executing a decision; Outstanding Average Good Fair Poor How would you describe the EFFICIENCY of the service you received? * Efficiency: productive of desired effects especially: capable of producing desired results with little or no waste (as of time or materials) Outstanding Good Average Fair Poor How would you describe the QUALITY of the service you received? * Quality: degree of excellence Outstanding Good Average Fair Poor Please describe your favorite part of working with us. * Please describe some areas of growth/opportunity for us? * What could we have done better? How likely would you be to refer us to another person seeking a similar service? Highly Likely Somewhat Likely Not Likely at all Are you open to us sharing your first name and last initial in association with your responses to this form? * Yes No Anything else you would like to add? Thank you!